In the late 80’s, the main focus of the industries around the world was on generating high volumes with better margins. The Industry and the end consumers, lacked awareness on product quality, consumer safety and environmental protection.

The early 90’s however fortunately transformed into an era of a massive global awareness on product quality and consumer safety. The global buyers started to introduce testing protocols and various multi-stage inspection requirements which resulted in a chaos for the unprepared suppliers and production houses, leading to technical trade barriers, stringent market access requirements, growing production losses and product recalls.

Founded by the visionary entrepreneur Mr.Hamed K.Lateef, Tti came into inception in 1995 to provide fast, accurate, and cost effective quality assurance solutions for supporting the buyers and suppliers in bridging the gap between manufacturing and compliance. Tti was the first specialized third party testing and inspection body from the private sector in Pakistan to introduce the concept of independent third party quality testing verification during all stages of the supply chain for better traceability, reliability, quality compliance and above all better confidence of the industry.

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